Sunday, December 29, 2019

Silent Liberation in Trifles - 1033 Words

Marriage is a sacred bond uniting two people who are in love usually they can’t live without one another for even a second so one takes marriage vows to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. Those vows are cherished throughout the years of marriage, partner’s shares intimate details forming a strong trustworthy bond with one another. Some settle into a routine, move out to the country have children. Occasionally, over time that will fade couples change and lose interest in one another. In the play Trifles there is evidence to believe Mrs. Wright took her vows of death do us part to extremes ending the marriage by killing her husband. The†¦show more content†¦Hale as he makes conversation with the county attorney about a party telephone stating, â€Å"I spoke to Wright about it once before and he put me off, saying folks talked too much anyway, and all he asked was peace and quiet.† This shows, Mr. Wright had the friendliness of a grizzly bear, the attitude of an Indian chief and the intentions of a crab. It seems as though everyone in the town understood Mr. Wright and how he preferred to keep things quiet and simple. So quiet in fact that he moved his wife â€Å"down in a hollow were you can’t see the road,† and chose not to have any children because it was less work without them and less noise too. Mrs. Wright lived her entire marriage alone confined to a tiny house in the middle of nowhere with her only true companion a bird who sung to her who she loved like a child. Upon inspection of the home the bird was gone, and the cage was broken making one wonder its whereabouts. Finding her bird either missing or dead could have been enough to make her become enraged with pathos. Mrs. Wright blamed her husband for her loneliness his silence each day along with her not allowing her to sing anymore in the choir or have frien ds over. Mr. Wright trusted his wife just like everyone in the small town were the Wrights have always lived also trusted her. That night was just like any other night in their farmhouse for Mr. Wright as he went to sleep but, for Mrs. Wright it was time for revenge, she fully took advantage of the trustShow MoreRelatedWomen s Suffrage By Susan Glaspell1364 Words   |  6 PagesFemale Oppression and Liberation in Trifles Between December 1st and 2nd 1900, John Hossack (a farmer from Warren County, Iowa) was murdered with an ax by his wife while in bed (Iowa Cold Cases, Inc). This play was inspired by the true story of Margaret Hossack, an Iowa farm wife who was charged with the murder of her husband John. One of the reporters, Susan Glaspell, decided to write a literary version of this investigation and â€Å"Trifles† came to be. Susan Glaspell is a feminist writer from DavenportRead MoreTrifles by Susan Glaspell Essay925 Words   |  4 PagesSister Love The play entitled â€Å"Trifles,† by Susan Glaspell, begins as a murder mystery that turns into a drama as the story unfolds. The story is focused on the investigation of a murder that took place in a farm house. The investigators, who are all men, are in the farm house looking for forensic evidence to help them solve the murder. The wives of two of the investigators are there to retrieve personal items for the wife of the victim. Mrs. Wright, who is the wife of the victim, is in jailRead More The Irish Potato Famine and The Holocaust in Literature Essay5665 Words   |  23 Pagesgenerations about historical mistakes of the past, the knowledge will assure the event does not happen again. It is important to note that, â€Å"not all of the poems are great as art, but they are great as documents of humanity at its best, rejecting silent acquiescence in the face of brute force, and beautifully fulfilling the poet’s duty to remind new generations of this genocide†¦so that the past will not be repeated† (Kramer xiv). The author also benefits from writing about the trauma; a need toRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 Pagesthe level of a sort of intuitive and spontaneous semiotics—with rejecting any concept of the cinema as langue and affirming the existence of a cinematographic language. 44 PROBLEMS OF FILM SEMIOTICS poetic language. But the theoreticians of silent film saw in it a real, specific vehicle (Rossellini s word) about which we are much more skeptical today. For the creator of Open City, who is not normally concerned with semiotics, this was a kind of conclusion. It was uttered somewhat haphazardly

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Burma-Thailand Relations and Muslim Immigrants - 2061 Words

According to the UN, Rohingya Muslims are one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. Due to clashes/conflicts between militant Muslims and Buddhists and poor economic conditions within Burma, many have fled the country, especially Rohingya Muslims primarily situated/centred around the conflict zones. Neighboring Thailand acts as an idealized â€Å"sanctuary† for the displaced refugees, though in reality even further abuse and exploitation occurs over the border due to the incompatibility of these stateless individuals with strict immigration and border policies. These offer neither protection nor social services for economically and socially disadvantaged migrants (talk about NGOs?). As a result, underhanded human trafficking and†¦show more content†¦As labor recruiters and brokers, middlemen provide the supply in response to the profitable demand for the human trafficking industry through illegal channels involving government corruption, contributing to the exploitation of migrants. In 1993, human rights group Asia Watch reported the involvement of Thai officials in the sex trade and their treatment of Burmese girls in Thailand. After raiding the brothel in which 148 underage Burmese girls were housed, they were rescued then arrested as illegal immigrants even though the girls claimed to have been forced or tricked into practicing sex. Subsequently, they were deported back to Burma, where those who tested HIV positive were claimed to have been shot, although this has yet to be substantiated been cases in which women have been injected with cyanide for being HIV positive. In February 2014, Thai authorities have been caught, in February 2014 deporting 1,300 Rohingya Muslims from Thailand, an action which met with concern by humanitarian agencies to the condition of the Muslims in their home country. These cases illustrate the involvement of the government with the traffickers responsible for the continued repression and marginalization of Burmese prostitutes in Thailand. Due to the high demand, high turnover, and easy access to desperate and economically disadvantaged Rohingya Muslims,Show MoreRelatedRohingya Problem in Bangladesh6891 Words   |  28 Pagesfrom the state of  Rakhine  (also known as Arakan, or  Rohang  in the Rohingya language) in Burma. The Rohingya are ethno-linguistically related to the Indo-Aryan peoples of  India  and Bangladesh  (as opposed to the majority Sino-Tibetan people of Burma). The region of Rakhine was annexed and occupied by Myanmar in the 1700s, thus bringing the Rohingya people under Burmese rule. 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He gives considerable attention to changes in city planning, patterns of urban growth, and importantRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesdrivers of productivity and profitability growth. Figure 1 shows data from our company’s experience with the strong results of such business management innovation throughout a wide range of areas—from product development, supply chain, customer relations, and total quality to human resources, alliances, and partnering initiatives—over the last several years and across a wide range of industry segments in many of the major manufacturing and services throughout the world. Measured in terms of actual

Friday, December 13, 2019

Abstract Expressionism Free Essays

Melinda Alexander Abstract Expressionism In this essay, I will demonstrate a comparison of control and chaos in the painting methods between Jackson Pollock and Helen Fraternally. I consider both artists to operate at a type of controlled chaos. However, I find that Fraternally used more control in her painting method where she carefully applied colors to certain spaces. We will write a custom essay sample on Abstract Expressionism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pollock’s painting is more a result of his actions than a specific thought as where to apply a certain color in an empty space. Jackson Pollock’s drip-method is creative and original. No one before him had used this method of pouring and splattering paint. Artists normally brushed or pushed the color. His process was completely unique. He did not use an easel. The canvas was laid on the ground. Industrial paint, raw canvas, sticks, and other tools instead of brushes were all materials that make his art pieces so unique. Lavender Mist exhibits an energy that almost gives life to the painting. The colors contrast in a way that are bold but not overwhelming. The dark hue mixes with the light so that it is neither heavy nor airy. At 87 X 118 inches the scale is huge. Amongst the chaos there is an even distribution of pattern and colors throughout the pacing. This gives it unity, symmetry and balance. I think that is why I call it controlled chaos. He reminds me of sort of a maestro conducting an orchestra. Using his tools, paints and body the way a maestro would conduct a symphony. He is moving everywhere flinging paint around not knowing really what it will look like. The spontaneity and originality of his work is interesting and cool. Helen Freakishness’s work with water color is also original. I think her action is more controlled than Pollock as she moves the color to fill certain spaces on the paper and she sketches some with charcoal. Chaos is demonstrated as well with her painting freely from nature or her memory of it. Like Pollock, she painted on the floor and at a large scale. Mountains and Sea gives a calm and soothing feel generally. The lines are implied with the shapes being organic and soft made from where the paint seeped into the weave. There is unity with some of the sketched lines suggesting a scene. Yet the shapes remain undefined. There is also unity and balance with the color hue of pale greens and blue giving a cool effect. The use of pale orange accent as a contrast warms up the picture Just enough to make it light and airy. This painting is nice. I found Pollock’s methods and pieces more interesting. Overall, Jackson Pollock and Helen Fraternally used techniques including both chaos and control while creating their art pieces. Both artists worked freely being surprised with the end result not really knowing what they were creating while working. Both artists used techniques and tools that were original producing effects new to the art world during that time. Fraternally used more control or thought in that she moved color into certain spaces. I think she was also more controlled in that she painted from memory ND sketched some. How to cite Abstract Expressionism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Accounting Information System Experienced Unlimited Changes

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Information System for Experienced Unlimited Changes. Answer: Introduction AIS has experienced unlimited changes in the past many decades, enhancing the manual or paper-based systems to fully automated and paperless systems. However, the relocation of data from paper to PC system brings several dangers to the organizations. AIS contain the private data which becomes a trade-off data if the data is unsecured. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and (AIS) Accounting Information system provides an appropriate financial data model for the organizations to take financial or accounting decisions. AIS is a model for assembling, accumulating as well as assessing of the financial data, utilizes before taking sensitive accounting decisions. Accounting Information System is a computerized methodology for following organizations accounting work. AIS support employees to accomplish their business works more fruitfully by reducing the obstruction between enterprises. AIS Solutions offer a worldwide as well as the continuous perspective of information which enables orga nizations to solve the issues effectively and makes improvements. It upgrades the financial uniformity of organization with regulative benchmarks as well as decreases the dangers. This report includes the ERP and AIS software models for the organizations Disk4U and Sungate so that these organizations improve their accounting software by using this new and innovative accounting software. This study includes the appropriate software and its vendors for both the companies. Accounting Information System Processes of selecting an AIS Within the information system of management arrangement, the accounting scheme ensures the numerical figures that can correspond to the reality of financial as well as the profitable status of an organization (Barich, 2010). As a result, handling the accounting data is the most decisive component of pre-decisive procedure of managers. Nowadays, Accounting Information System software packages have a broad marketplace. There are various software programs which support the accounting, recording, reporting and processing of financial events. Furthermore, in numerous cases, they help the actions of the organization like an organic segment of a compound, updated and integrated information framework. The AIS and ERP have a close or concise association with the Administration Information Division, Administration and Accounting Division, which have the interior control along with the information technology team. The consonant and productive actions describe the main points of the AIS framewor k, which accommodates the essential information about the educational database. The data framework works in the organization and incorporates two firmly related sub-frameworks: a data-processing or data supplying sub-framework as well as a decision-making sub-framework (Bhimani, 2012). The information handling framework is in charge of getting, coding, putting-away, preparing and sending the data vital for the actions and operations. The work of the definitive sub-framework is based on data, preparing frameworks utilizing them to impact, specifically or indirectly, with the administration forms as well as the operations of the framework. Numerous associations restricted the time and cash spent on the investigation, configuration and documentation and preparing. They move directly into the software selection and its implementation. If an elaborated requirement investigation is performed by satisfactory time and if the money is being spent on the investigation, then the execution and continuous assistance will be minimized. Associations which skip these significant steps to ensure the framework meets their requirements are frequently left with disappointed end users, expensive support, and with incorrect data (Collier, 2003). Steps to implement the Accounting Information System Data Conversion: Equipment is formulated to alter the information from the present framework to fresh framework. Data or information is mapped from one framework to another as well as data files are made and it will operate with the developed equipment. Data conversion is exhaustively tested and proved before concluding conversion. There's a reinforcement so it can be restarted, if important. Launch: The framework is executed simply after Data Conversion is finished. Organizations should be aware of the launch date. Ideally, the present framework is maintained and frequently run in a "parallel" way until the fresh framework has started working. Tools: Online assets are accessible to help with strategic preparation of AIS. Data frameworks and monetary structures help in deciding the particular requirement of every association, and in addition allotting responsibility to standards involved (Drymiotes and Hemmer, 2013). Support: The end users, as well as directors, have progression support approaches every time. Structure redesigns must follow a comparative process and all customers are exhaustively evaluated the changes, updated in a bearable way, as well as prepared (Books and Software: Books and Software, 2000). The procedure of AIS: The strategy and guidelines of an Accounting Information System are the strategies it utilizes for gathering, putting away, recovering and handling information. These techniques will be both manual as well as computerized, and the information can originate from both inner sources as well as outer sources. Strategies and directions will be surely coded in AIS programming; they ought to likewise be "coded" into workers through documentation and preparing. Methods and guidelines must be taken after reliably to be successful. Case Study 1 Business Processes Sydneys organization, Disk4U sells CDs as well as Vinyl Records. Presently Disk4U is focusing on selling its products through a shop-front, a Phone call as well as through email. This growth in the commerce has actually become fundamental for the association to boost their physical procedures of trade reporting as well as accounting (Gupta, 2008). This paper is for the organization Disk4U to present a report regarding usage of Accounting Information System as well as technologies to upgrade the organizations manual method of accounting information along with business reporting. The budget of Disk4U is only $150,000 hence as a consultant, I tried to present the software which is reasonable for the association (Editorial Board, 2005). Disk4U business requirements Disk4U needs the AIS framework which provides flawless service to the organizations accounting system. The distinctions in accounting frameworks emerge fundamentally in a speedy way with the help of which many functions are easily performed. Disk4U requires the system which guarantees the complete control system, which affirms quality recording and controlling the information identified with Disk4U's business activities. Disk4U needs an AIS which also protects the organizations data and assets. There are a number of outcomes which are needed for these processes to accomplish business objectives of Disk4U. Cost versus performance, in some cases, the data costs more to acquire extra data rather than its original cost. Hence, cost-benefits of AIS fulfill a general requirement of data which a leader will purchase. Understandability of the information: Many constituents can bring to the understandability of the information, considering user knowledge, ability, education and motivation. Mo reover, data outline decisions, for example, its level of the collection will influence its understandability, subsequently, its utility for controlling data integrity. For a few purposes, exceptionally collected data might be called for; for different purposes, extremely aggregated data might be needed. Therefore, suitably customized levels of understandability can be empowering agents of data respectability. An intermediary for the understandability of data is its similarity with user specified prerequisites. System requirements Bookkeeping is known as a dialect of business by considering its benefits for administration from numerous methods. Disk4U requires Accounting Information Systems which involves effective recording, transactions of information and compiling it in reports. An essential preferred standpoint of Bookkeeping-data over different sorts of data is that it depends on numbers and quantifiable information and Disk4U only needs this type of solution. AIS reports can be examined to give administration money related data that can be utilized to maintain a business, prepare and to roll out improvements when business is not moving smoothly. If operations of Disk4U are flat as well as not as hoped-for, AIS shows this truth and management of Disk4U can take vital decisions regarding it (Drymiotes and Hemmer, 2013). Software Selection: Disk4U ZohoBooks is a sharp and smart AIS software for growing organizations. It also won the Great User Experienced Software as well as Useful Free of Cost prizes this year. It is a spontaneous accounting success solution for Disk4U to manage the organizations finances as well as to stay on top in the software field. It is basic and simple-to-use AIS software to help Disk4U to handle its business, in a smart way. Disk4U can send proficient invoices to its clients and start accepting online installments from customers. It is a quick, straightforward as well as a convenient way to perform accounting tasks within the organization. Disk4U have a brief knowledge about its expenses with the help of ZohoBooks AIS software and saves money of the organization in the future. Disk4U enjoy the experience to stay on top position in their filed by upgrading companys finances with the help of ZohoBooks compelling accounting reports, for instance, Balance Sheets, PL as well as Cash Flow Statement which he lps Disk4U to be on the top of the companys finances. ZohoBooks offers smart and sharp business solutions to Disk4U organization and helps it in dealing with their everyday business exercises such as boosting deals, expanding efficiency in dealing with their business money. With the one sign-on characteristic, clients of ZohoBooks accesses more than Twenty-five applications with a similar account. As there is tight incorporation in several Zoho applications, ZohoBooks takes a step ahead and now it is not just solving the different accounting challenges, rather it is also providing Disk4U a holistic image of the health of a business. Software vendor Microsoft: ZohoBooks are foremost AIS software for Disk4U on cloud technology. Zoho Books give assistance to Disk4U to manage its businesss cost and invoice its clients. Effectively deal with Disk4U's costs and arrange them by sort. Make and keep up organization's business contacts catching every single vital detail such as cash, email, billing address and so on. Keep up both the products as well as administration with fixed rates to spare organization's time for writing it each time, the organization makes a receipt. Disk4U gives a solution for its queries anytime and at any place from ZohoBooks support team. ZohoBook is a trusted and has more than ten million clients worldwide. Disk4U uses it to manage the organization's business finances. The latest and a new version of AIS Zoho Books with a fresh interface along with added features help the organization to achieve its business needs. Case Study 2 Business Processes Victorias biggest producer of rice is Sungate. The data of Sungate along with ISS need many manual re-entries of all the orders along with financial transactions in which a lot of money, as well as time, is with which a lot of time is wasted. As a part of the business system as well as an accounting consultant, this report is submitted by me to Sungate in order to help this organization to select the information system which is appropriate to enhance organizations Accounting as well as business operations. Sungates has a very low budget for AIS software selection (Fox, 2007). Business Requirements There are several procedures which Sungates AIS software has to perform. Translate and record the impacts of business transactions. Classify the impacts of comparative exchanges in a way that grants assurance of the different aggregates and subtotals valuable to the administration and utilized as a part of the accounting information report. Summarize and convey the data contained in the framework to choice makers (Ciftci, 2010). Some results are required for these procedures to accomplish business targets, for example, dependability which implies the data must be solid, Sungate should have the capacity to rely on its motivation and on its sensibly free from blunder and predisposition thinking (Funnell, 2012). Moreover, for data to be dependable, it should be valid if several diverse individuals set out to get the data from the information, they would all reach the same conclusion. Legitimacy or Authorization: Representational infidelity of data about impalpable items suggests that th e data is substantial in courses other than correspondence with a unique physical condition. The idea of legitimacy implies that data speak to genuine conditions, principles or connections as opposed to qualities of physical articles. In a general setting, conditions, guidelines or connections are legitimate if what they imply is valid (Gilbert, 2005). In a business connection, conditions, business principles or connections are built up or affirmed by gatherings with the designated authority to do as such. In this way, exchanges are substantial on if it was started and executed by faculty or frameworks that have been conceded the authorization to do as such and if endorsements are valid and inside the extent of the power allowed to the approver. A validation procedure may, therefore, need an investigation or examination of the particular item, the relationship between the relationship between products and business, policy, and standard (Information technology, 2012). System requirements Sungate requires an AIS system which has specific advantages. One preferred benefit of AIS data is that this data is based on the accounting principles of AIS. These are guidelines to be followed in bookkeeping, to make standardized reports. Information entered into a bookkeeping framework is an evident information, not sentiments or wishes. Accounting information should be unbiased. Another preferred standpoint of bookkeeping data is that it is dependable. For instance, when you see $40,000 in records payable, Sungate owes that much to others (Krishnan and Wang, 2014). If Sungate has questions about that, reports can demonstrate to it how that number was computed. To make a bookkeeping framework in which information needs to prefigure and to have legitimate documentation to back it up. In a well-run bookkeeping division, compromises are made and techniques are set up to guarantee unwavering quality and exactness of the data. Bookkeeping reports can be broken down to furnish administ ration with budgetary data that can be utilized to maintain a business, prepare and to roll out improvements when business is not going off course (Ivens, 2001). Accounting offers a specific level of services and bookkeeping reports demonstrate the reality of organizations information, therefore, accounting administrations can settle the choices about it and choose appropriate or favorable software for bookkeeping of data (Ivens, 2010). Software Selection: Sungate QuickBooks: QuickBooks software is quite easy software to accumulate a monetary record if Sungate has the right equipment which is easily available then it use this software for their accounting operations. Making utilization of a propelled bookkeeping framework, for example, QuickBooks' bookkeeping programming, removes queries from the organization's asset report (Mohd, 2005). Sungate will not have to finish convoluted recipes or computations, or stress over making the right design for its record (PENG and JANIE CHANG, 2010). QuickBooks' far-reaching book-keeping framework bundles guide Sungate's through the each progression of the accounting procedure as Sungate require. QuickBooks' definite timetable additionally tracks all arrangements, to-do things and essential business errands, for example, receipt as well as bill due to dates. Additionally, the product can split and create more than hundred distinct reports that permit Sungate's to see yearly salary and cost patterns, alongsi de with details on things like top clients. The product is upgraded every year (Lin and Smith, 2006). The 2012 edition offers three new features, including a lead center to track prospective customers, a document center to manage things such as contracts, proposals and receipts and an inventory center to help centralize the business inventory tasks and reports. It also offers options for creating timesheets for multiple employees at one time, as well as for billing multiple customers at one time. QuickBooks accounting software currently sells for about $229.95 yearly (Neish and Saccasan, 2006). The Premier version, which includes more than 150 sales, financial and tax reports, as well as customizable tools for tracking inventory, creating purchase orders, setting pricing levels and forecasting of future sales, expenses and growth opportunities are sold for $399.95 (Perry, 2011). Software Vendor Oracle: QuickBooks software database is an administrative framework for reports having social databases and information of organizations. Oracles QuickBooks software was initially discharged in 1979. The product is composed in low-level computing construct such as C as well as C++, it works with a few working frameworks including Windows plus Linux. The effectiveness of QuickBook software provided by Oracle makes the organization's overall business sector pioneer in database administration frameworks contending with IBM, Tera-data, SAP, and Microsoft. Intuit's QuickBooks software is a bookkeeping programming bundle particularly for little and medium-sized associations (Powner, 2012). QuickBooks is accessible application and as a cloud-based adaptation. Since its underlying discharge in 1994 QuickBooks has created itself to the business sector pioneer in little business bookkeeping programming. The most recent rendition is QuickBooks 2015 which includes a few changes that clients have been requesting (Wild, 2005). AdaptAccounts for Oracle bookkeeping programming joins the practical, field-demonstrated flexibility of AdaptAccounts with the force of Oracle (Romney and Steinbart, 2006). The most recent era of AdaptAccounts for Oracle bookkeeping programming underlines server-side programming utilizing database put away methods, triggers, and capacities. This gives enhanced execution and improves the customer side programming. Customer side writing computer programs are actualized utilizing Delphi - a pioneer in superior database RAD apparatuses. Utilizing these effective programming improvement advancements empowers Adapt Accounts for Oracle bookkeeping programming to be adjusted rapidly and monetarily (Suryanto, 2011) Conclusion AIS software should ensure a connected application for management and reporting, among which the elements supporting the accounting information system have a special significance. This application provides the necessary transparency for the access of financial and accounting data for the concerned employees. The book-keeping programs mainly help the bookkeepers and financial managers to work. Though their work has a crucial importance for the enterprise, it is limited to preparing tax returns and reports on the budget and finances. Unfortunately, it occurs in practice that the managers of the enterprise sign quarterly or yearly reports which are not transparent, and representatives are not understandable for them. The standardized statements are not made for top managers, rather for the operative leaders. By using ERP systems it is possible for those in the top management to view the finance and accounting framework and to understand their meaning, as it is possible for them to follo w the framework. In order to conclude, accounting information system brings a lot of disadvantages to the organizations in todays business environment, but accounting information system combines the study and practice of the accounting with the concept of designing, implementing, controlling and monitoring the information system. It also combines the modern information technology and the traditional accounting system to provide a better financial system to manage and improve the financial performance of the organization. References Barich, T. (2010). QuickBooks 2010 quicksteps. New York: McGraw-Hill. Bhimani, A. (2012). Management accounting system implementation success: is reporting useful information sufficient?. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 8(2), p.115. Collier, P. (2003). Accounting for managers. West Sussex, England: J. Wiley. Drymiotes, G. and Hemmer, T. (2013). On the Stewardship and Valuation Implications of Accrual Accounting Systems. Journal of Accounting Research, Editorial Board. (2005). International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 6(3), p.CO2. Fox, C. (2007). QuickBooks 2007 finance software for small business QuickSteps. New York: McGraw-Hill. Funnell, W. (2012). 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Accounting Perspectives, 9(1), pp.55-78. Perry, T. (2011). From quickbooks to slow food. IEEE Spectr., 48(3), pp.23-23. Powner, D. (2012). Information technology. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Govt. Accountability Office. Romney, M. and Steinbart, P. (2006). Accounting information systems. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Suryanto, S. (2011). Design and Analysis: Payroll of Accounting Information System. CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, 5(1), p.24. Wild, J. (2005). Financial accounting. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Books and Software: Books and Software. (2000). Analytical Chemistry, 72(5), pp.230 A-231 A. Ciftci, M. (2010). Accounting Choice and Earnings Quality: The Case of Software Development. European Accounting Review, 19(3), pp.429-459. Krishnan, G. and Wang, C. (2014). Are Capitalized Software Development Costs Informative About Audit Risk?. Accounting Horizons, 28(1), pp.39-57. Mohd, E. (2005). Accounting for Software Development Costs and Information Asymmetry. The Accounting Review, 80(4), pp.1211-1231.